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I still got stuff. Updated list follows. My schedule is insane these days so be patient. I’m most free around 10am or after 9 pm or on weekends. Dont hate me cuz I’m busy just come take my stuff!
A laser party light thing 20
Bunch of English novels 20 each other books 2-5
Speakers 1 small set bought a month ago for 150 now 70
1 set of 2 small speakers and one medium speaker for 100
Black Ikea corner table 20
Black Ikea coffee table 60
Round light colored wooden folding table (good for dining room table) 75
3 Folding wooden chairs 25 each or 75 for all
Dishes/coffee/tea cups~ random cooking stuff 50 for everything
2 free weights (the kind with the twist lock) currently set to I think 15 & 20 pounds both for 40 (better for women, I think they are not heavy enough for guys or serious lifter but decent for women who want to tone)
a black table lamp 50
Random stuff like mini white board, cork board, paints, a big glass fish bowl, a small glass fish bowl with 9 fish (8 babies and 1 big one!), jewelry, etc for random price
A big fluffy “slipper” shaped like a Koala. it’s like a giant slipper that you put your feet into in the winter. Got it for my cat but she has no interest. 20
a small cat tower with scratching post, a bouncy mouse and a ball to destroy. About 16inches tall. Paid 120. my cat loves this but I will get her a new one there. Looks mostly new (except a somewhat frazzled mouse) 50
Several paintings (come & see) about 32×20 inch ABSTRACT painting yellow and orange “basket” with purple “grapes”, 32×20 inch Blue spiral with gold stars ~300 each
3 small yellow paintings of vegetables (red bell pepper, purple onion with green onion and purple grapes) about 6×6 inch 15 each
Also I’m going to have kittens this week. Tell me if you want one for sure & I will give it to you around July 31st. They should be about 4 weeks old then. I’m taking the mom so please dont ask for her (some jerk was all “I need a cat” I was like dude I’m just selling her TOYS. not cool).