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I was using bing for a few months, especially on my phone, where it’s not practical to have a VPN open all the time. What I’ve found is that Bing is total garbage and almost never finds exactly what I’m looking for (unlike Google which is amazingly accurate and precise, even with sentence-long search criteria).
I recently switched to DuckDuckGo, which is a quickly-growing search engine that competes with Google on privacy by not storing any user data. The design of the search engine is beautiful and although it isn’t as precise as Google with long tail search criteria, it works much better than Bing. Theres a DuckDuckGo app which I have installed on my home screen now which I use when searching for random things.
Before settling on DDG I tried some other search engines like Yahoo and found them to not be any better than Bing (Yahoo is actually powered by Bing – go figure).