Reply To: Korean American Girl New to Chengdu!

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Avatar photoRainbow

Hi Sophia, Welcome!
I myself couldn’t be your guide, but I could find a guide for you, I have a friend, she is a local person, and could speak English well, if you want, you can follow my WeChat: lovelordlifelong, or email me with [email protected], furthemore, I am a Chinese teacher. I work for Rainbow Chinese Language Institute( So if you want to learn Chinese, I guess communicate skill is the first step, <SURVIVAL CHINESE>,an exclusive curriculum be compiled by Rainbow Chinese school, include 500 useful words, 32 daily topic will perfect for you. If you want to know more, please check, or mail to [email protected] !
They also organize interested events for expat in Chengdu regularly, all in their web site, lots of fun there.
Hope its help! GOOD LUCK

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