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Amazon Glacier is cool, but with these end user services(Google Drive, OneDrive, iCloud soon probably) now being so cheap there’s not much point in using Amazon Glacier I guess. Amazon Glaciers’s prices start at $0.01 per gigabyte per month which for 1tb would be $10.24. I guess Amazon Glacier won’t drop their prices, because they’re targeting a different market it seems. I’ve always been messing with external hard drives for backups. A NAS would be nice for local redundancy.

That’s a good point. I was thinking for my most important files (work project files, music productions, photo library, etc) have an off-site copy in Glacier which is only used in case of emergency. Say, my apartment catches on fire or there’s some other catastrophic event which causes data loss. It would be my third backup.

Would be cool if there’s some software that pull files from iCloud so that a NAS could always keep itself updated as a backup of what’s on iCloud(or other similar services).

If you use a Synology NAS (which I do) it has this built in for Google Drive and Dropbox already: Synology Sync. These units actually do far more than just data backup, which I’m still exploring.