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A couple of friends and I went to a muay thai gym on the west side of the river (across from lang kuai fong). I’d say we were all a bit disappointed (2 guys who have been fighting for years, a girl that trained in thailand, yself who have just done judo for years, and a pair of super fit randoms/body builders). There was no direction and no instruction on movements, no group training or fitness. It was basically “ok run around til your sweaty then jup in the ring and start hitting each other”. no technical instruction at all until the guys grabbed the instructor and made him teach us something.
Then when we all tried sparring none of the chinese guys would fight us girls, there were 2 chinese girls who shadow boxed cuz they were too small to fight anyone, etc. Wierdly enough a bunch of those guys had great english. Finally one of the male students came to fight with us girls and our guy friends just sparred with each other. we had fun but it was more despite everything. I wouldnt pay just for that “class” for sure because I didnt get my moneys worth.
I wonder if you went to the same place? maybe they fixed it up since october…