Reply To: Robot Muay Thai Gym

HomeForumsIn ChengduRobot Muay Thai GymReply To: Robot Muay Thai Gym

Avatar photoUrglefloggah

I’m a regular at Robot, and I have to say it’s a pretty decent gym. Instructors are good and very friendly guys, and for the newbies there is a lot of technical training. Currently one of the two instructors is also heavily into MMA. There’s a decent bit of pad work and a lot of us who like to spar, a fair few foreigners like myself and some of the Chinese guys.

As Jack pointed out a lot of the Chinese guys are very inexperienced at sparring and come at you too hard (a contributing factor might be that they’re intimidated sparring with big foreigners), but some are pretty good. One thing that’s changed recently, which I hope they change back, is that these days there is a lot of focus on bag work, rather than one on one technique and light sparring. I will mention this to the instructors, though, and see how they react.