Reply To: What's the First Fun Thing to Do in Chengdu?

HomeForumsIn ChengduWhat's the First Fun Thing to Do in Chengdu?Reply To: What's the First Fun Thing to Do in Chengdu?

Avatar photoMaz

There’s a short list here about half way down the page:

And here (click types of places):

If you’re up for some craziness I’d start with Chunxi Road and Jinli Ancient Street.

Chunxi shopping district – I like that yees

Get bellysick and pray to white stone a couple days.

Get into a car accident.

Pay a 100 kuai for a 5 kuai souvenir.

Find yourself a local girlfriend and wonder where did your time go…

After that your initiation is officially over… i think :)

Those things may happen by fate perhaps, not by choice! 😀

And finally, Rainbow, yes, ultimately that is what is going to happen is I will go to a local bar with somebody to get a feel of the people in the city.

Thanks to all who have ENLIGHTENED me so far. I’m sure we have some more ideas. Please keep ’em coming!

Outside the box people!