Reply To: Settling in the UK with Chinese Wife

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@ Luca

I am led to believe that for any EU national to take up residence in another EU country with their Chinese wife, they must first spend a minimum of 6 months resident in their own country – in your case you would need to get her into France first before you could emigrate to the UK.  That said, although you, as an EU citizen, qualify for residence in the UK, your Chinese wife will not be eligible to the same privileges as granted to an EU citizen. Even an English born native now finds it very hard to get their Chinese wife to the UK for residency and proof of income and savings  are included in the requirements along with demonstrating a genuine marriage where the couple have been living together as husband and wife for (I think) 5 years.

Perhaps it is easier to get her into France, make her a French citizen after a couple of years and then emigrate to the UK – they shouldn’t be able to stop her with a French passport. Alternatively, jump on a lorry at Calais and experience for yourself just how lax border controls are. 🙂