Reply To: Chongqing Alleycat Bike Race, July 25-26

HomeForumsGeneral DiscussionChongqing Alleycat Bike Race, July 25-26Reply To: Chongqing Alleycat Bike Race, July 25-26

Avatar photoRick in China

I agree with Charlie, sounds *insane*.

The heat..oh, the heat. The traffic, damn, super aggressive drivers on super twisty narrow roads, navigation will be hell, and hella dangerous, for anyone not from the city I’m sure.. even driving there recently I found myself extra “WHAT THE FUUUUUUCK”ing trying to get around! The hills, ah.. lovely, hilly city, high bridges, narrow turns, construction, construction vehicles downtown, wa. All that aside, if it’s downtown, may be very beautiful — the lights over the river and big bridges, very hong-kongesque. Be safe everyone and please post some videos or something 😀