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Chinese grammar
Alternative questions: 还是háishì & 或者huòzhě
还是(háishì) is used to offer choices and it should be thought of as (whether) or
Zhǔrén: wǒmen yǒu kāfēi , yě yǒu chá . nǐ xiǎnɡ hē kāfēi háishì hē chá?
Host: We have coffee and we also have tea. Would you like to drink coffee or tea?
Kèrén : wǒ xiǎnɡ hē chá.
Guest :I would like to drink tea.
(a)More than two options
Sometimes, more than two options are offered;还是(háishì) is used between the last two options.
nǐ xǐhuan rìběn chē , měiɡuó chē háishì déɡuó chē?
Do you like Japanese cars, American cars or German cars?
(b)Choosing all/none
When no choice is made, the options are either omitted or pre-posed, and 都(dōu) is used.
Learners who are English speakers should pay special attention to this word-order rule.
lǐ : nǐmen xǐhuan chī zhōnɡɡuó cài háishì fǎɡuó cài?
Li: Do you like to eat Chinese food or French food?
Dīnɡ : (zhōnɡ ɡuó cài ɡēn fǎɡuó cài) wǒ dōu xǐ huān chī.
Ding: I like both.
王:(中国菜跟法国菜,)我都不喜欢吃。(Incorrect:我都喜欢中国菜跟法国菜or 我都不喜欢吃中国菜跟法国菜。)
wánɡ: (zhōnɡɡuó cài ɡēn fǎɡuó cài) wǒ dōu bùxǐhuān chī. (Incorrect:”wǒ dōu xǐhuan zhōnɡɡuó cài ɡēn fǎɡuó cài” or “wǒ dōu bùxǐhuān chī zhōnɡɡuó cài ɡēn fǎɡuó cài”.)
Wang: I like neither.
Do not confuse 还是(háishì) with 或者(huòzhě) (hudzht ‘either or ’).或者(huòzhě) is used in a statement
Since both 还是(háishì) and 或着(huòzhě)can be translated as ‘or’ in English* learners who are English speakers should pay special attention to the distinction between these two words.
qǐnɡ nǐ ɡěi wǒ yì bēi chá huòzhě kāfēi
Please give me (either) a cup of tea or a cup of coffee.
• When 或者(huòzhě) is used in a question, it is an affirmative-negative question or a question with the modal particle 吗ma
wánɡ :wǒ hěn kě ,xiǎnɡ hē yìdiǎn yǐnliào. Yǒuméiyǒu chá huòzhě qìshuǐ? (=yǒu chá huòzhě qìshuǐ ma?)
Wang: I am thirsty; I want to drink something. Is there tea or soda?
李:有.要汽水还是要茶?(This is an alternative question offering choices.)
lǐ :yǒu . Yào qìshuǐ háishì yào chá?
li: Yes. Do you want soda or tea?