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Chengdu High School Looking for Teachers

The Sino-American Elite Program of the Chengdu Meishi International School is currently recruiting full-time English teachers for our Fall Semester starting on September 1, 2014.

Who we are:

The Chengdu UEI-Meishi Sino-American Elite Program is a three-year, English language, college prep program for Chinese secondary level students who plan to attend a university in the U.S. The program is a joint venture between the American-owned and managed company United Education Investments (UEI) and the Chengdu Meishi International School located in the city of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, China. UEI’s American management team has a combined 25 years experience in education and in China. We use the highest quality, cutting edge course materials and teacher resources imported from overseas. Our classroom facilities are furnished with high-tech, audio-visual equipment. We have a non-intensive program following a five-month semester schedule with classes that are normally scheduled on weekdays from Monday – Friday. Teachers usually have weekends free for sightseeing, R&R, etc.

Who we want:

We are looking to hire full-time English teachers who meet most of the following minimum requirements.
1) Native speaker of North American English (NAE).
2) U.S. or Canadian passport holders only.
3) Bachelor’s degree from a North American university.
4) TEFL Certificate from a reputable teacher training program.
5) 2 years previous English teaching experience.
6) Young and energetic.
7) Positive, patient, cooperative, and flexible personality.
8) Willing & able to follow a supervisor’s instructions and abide by our systems and procedures.
9) 1 year experience living in China, or otherwise somewhat familiar with Chinese culture.
10) A self-reliant, self-starter looking for a challenge.


We are looking to hire teachers for our Fall Semester starting on Monday September 2, 2014. Please send us your resume at least two weeks before the start of classes for the session or semester for which you are applying.


For full-time positions we can offer a compensation package within a range from 12,000 to 14,000 Rmb per month, depending on the applicant’s educational level and work experience. We can offer a non-taxed housing allowance or a free on-campus apartment. We will also assist with the process of obtaining a Z work visa, work permit, and residence permit. All domestic costs of obtaining China working papers are covered by the employer at no cost to the employee.

Contact Details:
Please send your complete, up-to-date resume to Eric Danielson, UEI Academic Director.
E-mail: [email protected]
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