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I posted the above to prove a point that most crime stats are either false or manipulated and that there is so much conflicting information on the internet. Look at the work Mark Fazlollah did regarding crime stats. Every city has it’s rough areas. Also governments love stats and surveys. In the city and country I grew up Liverpool/England. I would say that crimes like burglary etc have gone down, but the crimes that are committed seem to be more violent especially among the youth. Also a lot of people nowadays don’t even report minor crimes.
I went to high school in DC, a few miles away from where people would get stabbed in broad daylight. It wasn’t an everyday thing, but it happened. I remember the first time I came out of a nightclub and right outside of the club was a crime scene where someone had been killed. DC is no longer like that – like the rest of the country, it’s much safer now. Don’t believe everything you read online.
I also don’t buy the “everyone’s leaving the US because it sucks” narrative. The US is a fine place to be. Yes, there are people leaving, but that’s nothing new – it’s a country of 300 million people.