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The exciting thing I noticed is the opening Sunday of the season is on the mid autumn festival weekend and everyone has Monday off so there is the possibility to have a live NFL night/morning. Does this sound like something of interest to the NFLers? For the other type of football we run a weekly predictor with cash prizes. Perhaps we can do something similar with this too. Basically we are open to whatever suits the NFL community but it’s new territory for us so let us know what you’d like. We will also be able to show NCAA as well so the above is not only limited to NFL.
I’m definitely interested, and I’m pretty sure I can bring a group of friends for that. I would only expect playoff games to attract a crowd, and the audience for the Superbowl is probably enormous. But replays of Thursday games would be something that I would check out. For NBA, playoffs will be popular for sure. There might even be a significant Chinese audience for that, having a foreign bar with sports fans, which to my knowledge, has never existed in Chengdu.