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This Tuesday(October 18th), live comedy at the Bookworm introduces international headliner and Chapelle show actor Kyle Grooms. Bio and flyer are below. Please support live comedy in Chengdu, remember if you stop coming it stops happening. Thank you (:
Tuesday, Oct. 18th, 8 pm
10月18日 周二晚上8点
The Bookworm Comedy Night
Host主持人: Rob Brien
Advance Tickets预订门票:80RMB/人
Door Tickets现场门票:120RMB/人
English Events
Kyle Grooms got a Killer comedy record. He wrote and starred on Chappelle’s Show, and he featured in Chris Rock’s hit movie Top 5.
Kyle Grooms 拥有非常出色的喜剧表演背景。 他曾为大卫∙查普尔秀编剧,并出演过奥斯卡金像奖主持人克里斯•洛克的电影。
The man’s comedy is smart and cool, think Sheldon meets Eddie Murphy. He talks about his life growing up in Miami, Florida, while giving an intimate look into his life experiences growing up in the American melting pot.
As a regular on the New York comedy scene, Grooms has performed at several top clubs, including Caroline’s, Comic Strip, Comedy Cellar and Gotham.
作为纽约脱口秀常坐客的一员, Grooms时常在纽约顶级的俱乐部例如Caroline’s,Comic Strip, Comedy Cellar和哥谭表演。
Adress: 2-7, East Yujie St., 28 Sect. 4th,South Renmin Rd
Please contact Sabrina to get more info and registered
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