Yes, there is a place at the location where the Cookin’ Chengdu event was hosted. It’s kind of hard to find, but it’s there. I don’t think it was open during Cookin’ Chengdu but it looks impressive. Perhaps someone here will know the name of it (it’s very near Brendan’s art studio).
yes there are, but like Charlie said, those are not so broad to find, just like you are buying some stuff in the market. Contact some big print company instead, they know more about this. Those are very common in that place are those business related in digital printing, screen and vinyl just like the site
I get 3d painting from a website which name is They renders a great service. I also suggest you to visit and learn about them. May be, they can help you to solve your problem.
By the way, not so common, they are seems to be rare.. the site, is only focusing on digital printing instead, so let me stand corrected.
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