Advice: How Much to Sell a Canon Camera?

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    Avatar photoSlavsky


    Thinking about global changes in my photo equipment.

    How do you think, how much money I can ask for Canon 7D (7 months in use), Tamron 70-200 2.8F (14motnhs in use), Tamron 17-50 2.8F (3 months) and Samyang 8mm fish-eye (2 years) all together?

    And what would be the best approach to sell it?

    Best regards.

    Avatar photoGraham

    Hi. I’ve had some success on chengduliving with selling camera gear but also had some items which failed. But why not advertise on here anyway? There’s also other ex-pat sites in Chengdu for selling…. For a guide to prices try the Taobao s/hand listings, but there is huge variety:  Samyang 8mm:  or Canon 7D: or Tamron 70-200: or Tamron 17-50 2.8: In my experience you will probably have to sell individually unless someone wants to set-up with a camera and lens set from scratch. If they do I’d suggest a discount for buying the full set. At the end of the day the price is whatever anyone wants to pay – depending on how you feel and how badly you want to sell, plus of course the condition of the equipment.

    I am contemplating re-advertising my own Nikon D7000 for example, along with some of the related DX format lenses. Might find some takers for it as its Christmas time. By the way is your Samyang 8mm a Canon mount or perhaps a Nikon? If Nikon I may be interested myself. Thanks.

    Avatar photokingno1

    can you read chinese?if you can’t  read chinese,you can send me message which contains the price of each.let me find buyer(s) from chinese wedsite. my email adress is [email protected]


    Avatar photoMerior

    Use eBay as a guide:

    Avatar photoSlavsky

    Graham, thank you very much for such a detailed answer.

    Kingno1, your help would be appreciated. If, of course, I will come to this tough decision

    Merior, will consider it. Thank you!

    Avatar photoCharlie

    I would check prices for these items on Taobao and then go a little cheaper. You might as well list them here for sale!

    I’m not sure what kind of equipment changes you’re making, but I moved away from SLR’s completely about a year ago and got a Fuji X100 and haven’t looked back. I listed the main items for sale (Canon 40D + 17-40L lens) on here and they sold within a week or so. Here’s a link.

    If you include photos, you’ll have a better chance of making a sale at the price you want.

    Good luck!

    Avatar photoSlavsky

    Hah, Charlie, you serve your dishes nice )

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