I read up on getting a pet in CD, and it seems the ethical move is to adopt from a rescue shelter, either Qimeng or Aizhijia. Their websites were not very helpful…not contact info, just photo albums. Anyone able to help out? Or, maybe someone is giving away a pet? I would prefer to get a young one.
How much should I expect to pay for vaccinations?
Anything else I should know, besides dogs being better? thanks
Try contacting Huairen clinic in Shuangnan. I think they have co-operation with one of the adoption shelters. The vet there, Eric, speaks good English and is a good guy.He has done some work for the bear rescue centre too.
Hey Chris, sorry I just adopted a puppy! Right after I posted this thread, I went down the street and saw a puppy being abused. I was like, How can you treat a puppy like that? And he said It’s my puppy, but if you want it, it’s 100 yuan…
…so no cats for me!
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