Just got here last week. My school that I am teaching at gave me a furnished apartment, but the furniture is so old and horrible my cat won’t even sleep on it. It hasn’t been painted in a while either. Dirty walls. Also, the refrigerator is so small.
I figured my school would not have done this to me. Is this par for the course here?
Yeah, I wouldn’t say this is rare. If you’re employer is going to provide housing for you and you aren’t in a dorm, I would suggest finding a place yourself and then getting your employer to pay for it. If they look for you there’s a good chance they don’t know what a good apartment looks like or they won’t have much interest in actually searching for one.
Where are you teaching and how did you get the job?
I hope you didn’t tell them you had a pet prior to them finding you a place! They might use that against you, but it is ridiculous. Here in China (and Asia for that matter) most leases don’t have pet restrictions stated in them, but they will say no to pets IF specifically asked. Better to not ask and just do. Easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
And yes this is par for the course.
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