Attention Job Seekers.. Be wary…

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  • This topic has 11 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 5 years ago by Avatar photoRay.
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  • #34925
    Avatar photoJerryS

    Ok, everyone knows about the pitfalls about english teaching positions and what not. Most of the forum member knows which company i work for and i can say.. FUCK THEM! If someone googles this up, they better be careful when doing research on this company. I been here 2 fucken years and the admin doesnt even show me respect. I asked for a school located in the city but they still stick me out in the boondocks. Not only that, they told me last minute, of course ill be pissed.

    Also, i hear that the new admin for the company threatened someone on this forum by revoking his visa for thinking of finding a new job. If he would do that to me, i would have it recorded and go to arbitration and get all the restitution that will be rightfully mines.

    These are one but many issues while teaching in China. Even if the company is ‘professional’ by their own standards… Nothing is professional on banging ‘new hirees,’ but hey ‘its China,’ what ever the cunt that means. My company can go fuck themselves…

    Time to look for a new job.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    To prevent anyone else from falling victim to this – which company are we talking about here?

    Avatar photoJerryS

    If i say, someone would prob rat me out. I would rather be general and let people do their research, last thing i need is my pissed off boss to come after me. I mean.. My name is ‘xxx.’ Kinda easy to figure out who i am…

    If i can change my forum name, then ill gladly say. Not sure if i am able to or know how to.

    Avatar photoAndrewD

    Sorry to hear that man. Good luck sorting out a new job. Be careful when you quit though – might I suggest doing so right after payday? Actually a friend of mine whom I’m currently travelling with just got swindled by his school (EF) for almost a month’s worth of wages after he quit and is having a hell of a time trying to collect his due…

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Sorry to hear that man. Good luck sorting out a new job. Be careful when you quit though – might I suggest doing so right after payday? Actually a friend of mine whom I’m currently travelling with just got swindled by his school (EF) for almost a month’s worth of wages after he quit and is having a hell of a time trying to collect his due…

    It’s common for employers in China to withhold last month’s salary, which is specifically designed to prevent employees from quitting after receiving pay. In general, employers have all the power in China and employees have no power. Of course, that changes when we’re talking about expats in China!

    Avatar photoStephane

    Chances are high he’s talking about English First indeed. Most people I hear only have negative experiences working for them,…

    Avatar photoJerryS

    Def not English First. I need a way to word this so that i will not be found out. Ill ask my friend to create an account and he can write his exp, not similar to mines, but ill ask him to include it. Good job, but shitty admin.. Admin’s for my company would rather get their cunts licked than do what is right to deserving people.. I really hate this type of work environment.

    Avatar photoBrian #10

    To prevent anyone else from falling victim to this – which company are we talking about here?

    Why don’t you grow a pair and say what school, otherwise you are just whining into the ether…which makes you look like even more of a weakling than the 2 cops who watched that 17 year-old get stabbed, then maced the guy after he stabbed himself.

    Avatar photoEric

    are you two trolling or something? stop with the drama.

    Avatar photoRay

    Where is the love? Why can’t we all just hug it out?

    Avatar photoRobert B

    This is why we created LanguageClan.  Find your own private language students in Chengdu.

    Avatar photoRay

    One guy says —– school are cheats. Another guy has been there 6 years with no issues. One guy says this school f**ked me. Another guy has had a mutually beneficial relationship with aforementioned f**ker.
    I attach as much importance to these rants as i do to ads offering “6 pack abs in two weeks”….

    Avatar photoAaron T

    I agree with Brian, “warning there are sketchy employers in China” isn’t anything new.

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