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January 21, 2013 at 9:08 am #26029
Participant@Rick: exactly my point. It’s the crowd and your expectations. Maybe I should check Hooters out again sometime then!
As for safe alcohol to drink, are there any drinks that are less likely to be fake? I’m thinking red wines as opposed to hard liquor, potentially? Which establishments are better at serving the real deal in general, if you know of any?
January 21, 2013 at 9:10 am #26030Charlie
KeymasterQuote:Which establishments are better at serving the real deal in general, if you know of any?Any non-Chinese establishment. That might sound silly, but I am being honest. Han Korean Bar is cool if you want to get cocktails. Machu Picchu has a good selection of beer.
January 21, 2013 at 9:14 am #26031Lisa
ParticipantLol. Oh dear. Looks like I’ll have to revert to the age-old teenage methods of pre-drinking and not drink much in most clubs then.
I went to Machu Picchu the other week, really enjoyed the atmosphere. Shame I don’t drink beer though.
January 21, 2013 at 9:15 am #26032Jazz
ParticipantTo other groups of foreign friends and guests I will help you get there.. Text me when you arrive from Thursday’s to Sunday’s.
They have bees in there( pretty girls and good looking gay boys) but they are only talking to rich chinese customers. They are more space to move around and dance…
Only if they are playing some good tunes…
I am new there to don’t have pictures but later I will post some pictures of the shows and party people.
cheers x
January 21, 2013 at 9:28 am #26033Brendan
ModeratorQuote:He told me that dancers in China don’t really feel the music and flow with it, they learn the moves and then reproduce them robotically.There’s a young guy recently started practicing his ‘moves’ in my gym’s studio, and it’s pretty damn funny. He basically repeats the exact same head tilt/shuffle over and over and over. If I watch him for too long I start to question my sanity.
Quote:Since they were sitting at your table this might not apply to your particular situation, but…Totally aware of these girls of course, LKF is littered with them.
Stony faced bitchesAttractive girls that will only avert there gaze in your direction if you happen to bea really nice guywaving a big wad of cash at them. The girls on the night in question just didn’t have anything to say. Turned out that two of them had been invited to Chengdu by my friend after he’d met them on holiday. I don’t think they were scientists.Quote:Have to admit I am guilty of this too. It’s so difficult to kindly reject a conversation without being too blunt. Meh.Well excuse me for being interested!! 😀
Quote:They’re attempting to look as anime sex-doll as possibleYeah, I get the reference and origin, those crazy Japanese folk have a lot to answer for. What I don’t understand is the personal reasoning so many girls have for using them, when it ultimately takes away their unique appeal and paints them with the same brush as every other wannabe (i don’t know what) in the place. It’s a major turn off for me when I meet a girl who happens to be wearing them, there’s something intrinsically wrong with it. It’s just a warning signal that she’s not comfortable in herself.
What was this thread about again!?
January 21, 2013 at 9:31 am #26034Brendan
ModeratorQuote:I’m thinking red wines as opposed to hard liquor, potentially?Wish that were true, I’ve been duped with some blatantly fake wine in a couple of places.
January 21, 2013 at 9:38 am #26035Lisa
ParticipantLol! My sister actually makes it a point to feign stupidity in order to get out of an uncomfortable conversation with a guy she’s not interested in. It has worked very well in the past.
I dunno, not going to get into this makeup=not being comfortable with oneself debate, but I don’t think the lenses make people look that much different. They just give a wide eyed (and potentially robotic) glaze. 😀 In theory it is just like any other temporary cosmetic item that needs removing at the end of the day. Surgery, on the other hand…
January 21, 2013 at 9:39 am #26036Lisa
ParticipantAck! What’s one to drink then? Does it really have to be beer? :/
January 21, 2013 at 9:39 am #26037Rick in China
Quote:As for safe alcohol to drink, are there any drinks that are less likely to be fake?If you’re looking at hard alcohol, it’s also depending on what brand at what establishment. Lots of Chinese clubs serve absolutely real hard liquor. In fact, Chivas mentioned at one point they sold more Chivas at Babi (the original) in Chengdu per square meter than any other establishment in the world….
Generally you’ll see clubs pushing a specific brand – with advertisements etc for that brand around the club. If you want the safest bet, go with that brand. 88 for example has a Jack Daniels partnership, their Jack is real – I drink a lot of Jack, and have drank a lot of Jack there, so know that it’s absolutely the case 😀 Skyy vodka had a few club connections here at one point trying to break the market, Absolut as well, just see what they’re promoting and more than likely that company has a partnership with them.
If you drink a specific type of liquor and are worried about fake, ask to buy a shot or short glass first separately – and taste it straight/smell it to make sure it’s what it *should* be. Fake liquor here usually also doesn’t go with the FIRST bottle unless they don’t have any authentic stuff going around, and they tend to serve fake liquor more with people who order stacks of tea (since it’s mixed, they figure, you wont notice). I’ve had very little problems with getting fake liquor (I almost exclusively order the same brands and drink straight/on the rocks) here, and when you get the fake stuff you can usually SMELL it more than you can taste it…
If you go to much lower end clubs you’ll likely get fake stuff – they also probably have beer partnerships more-so than hard liquor partnerships so tables will be covered in dozens rather than bottles of whatever. RE: Wine….good luck with that, most of the “foreign” brands of red/white here are “fake” in that they’re IMPORT, but import by Chinese companies who push it out and bring it back in just to get the import stamp, while the companies themselves are just domestic companies essentially cheating the masses…this is true for most of the wines you’ll find at large supermarkets too.
Quote:pre-drinkingPre-gaming/pre-drinking is ALWAYS a good idea, anywhere, any time. 😀
January 21, 2013 at 9:46 am #26039Lisa
ParticipantInvaluable advice Rick, you seem like a seasoned consumer. 😀 I’m not that great at distinguishing between real and fake liquor as I don’t drink much, but I will definitely follow your advice next time. Totally agree with the ‘imported’ stuff. I’ve bought imported wines at my local 7-11; they seem relatively authentic…
January 21, 2013 at 9:47 am #26040Lisa
ParticipantQuote:Pre-gaming/pre-drinking is ALWAYS a good idea, anywhere, any time. 😀My favourite game is ring (or as I like to call it, wang) of fire. None of these intellectual numerical games that smart Chinese can play even when off their faces.
January 21, 2013 at 9:53 am #26041Rick in China
ParticipantSince we’re on the topic of liquor now, I’d like to note: You can now buy Sambuca and Amaretto at Auchan, never seen it available before in Chengdu.. Yum.
January 21, 2013 at 10:34 am #26047Sandi
ParticipantQuote:This thread has taken a turn for awesome the worst.Well, I’ve certainly had a few laughs..
The aforementioned night out took place on Saturday. We ventured to Hooters, Underground and Muse.
I enjoyed Hooters, although, just as Rick discussed, I think this had more to do with the company than the venue itself, and the food was just ‘okay’. Totally agree with the comments on the ‘dead eyed dancers’ though. Huge lol to the ‘Donna Summers with gun to head’ comment.
I think Underground is a great wee pub with a very friendly and welcoming atmosphere. I have been there twice now and had great nights on both occasions.
Muse however, was by far, the highlight of my night. I thought it was excellent! I had a fantastic night there, and would definitely go back. This was the first Chinese club I had been to really, so having enjoyed it as much, I would like to visit a few more.
Like Lisa, I also enjoy dancing to cheesy music when I’m out, so I have always found Jellyfish to be alright. Having said that, it is very crowded, which can get annoying.
Would definitely be up for visiting your friend’s club some time in the near future, Jazz, so will give you a shout.
I was also a little surprised to hear that some of the girls are paid to be there, although I’m sure I have heard this before.
Quote:He basically repeats the exact same head tilt/shuffle over and over and over. If I watch him for too long I start to question my sanity.Haha!
Keen to hear more..
February 5, 2013 at 7:12 am #26671Jazz
ParticipantHello bar&club goers!
Jazz is baaaaaaack!
Just recently I have been clubbing. Went to a New Club(the MIu Club) with friends three times on Lan Kuai Fong specifically opened for filthy rich Chinese people(暴发户Bao Fa Hu). There are international performances and bands, Chinese and international djing/sunging/whatever, but most people were just sitting there being bored, Chinese ppl playing dice and drinking drunk, everything is so hi–so. If you are filthy rich you feel privileged and having face, but as for me, I couldn’t afford even the cheapest beer or cocktail.
have yourself some pre club drinks, grab beers or vodkas or Chinese spirits(Bai jiu) from WOWO or seven eleven. Then go with a group to clubbing! If u buy a table(go Dutch), drinks are lame maybe not enough for everyone so maybe u can grab some vodka or whisky or cheap chinese baijiu and hide in yr winter jacket.
KTVs has cameras and watch dogs if you bring your own drink they will make fool of you. They cut off our songs, but clubs I think don’t really care as long as you are paid to have table.
For me, I would rather to go to a little bar, listen to a real rock bands(good bands) not young school bands, I would rather spend my money on that, cheesy commercial bands and performances let the filthy rich pol throw their money to the club owners!
This friend from sky club is asking me to do him a favor again. So here is the thing:
ALL FORIGNERS WHO GO TO SKY CLUB GET FREE COCKTAILS/beers during the whole Chinese new year party/Gala. There would befolk art performance, face changing Sichuan opera, musical calligraphy and also cheesy Chinese bands singing chinese and western pop songs.
No need to text. Anyone. Just go there this Friday and have yourself some free drinks and be happy and drunk. If you want to save your money for drunks for better bars and clubs!
I tried my best to advise them to cut off the cheesy singers and bands, and bring some jazz musicians and rock bands but it didn’t work out. their main target clients are filthy rich Chinese people who don’t know shit about music.
Here is the address to SKY CLUB
See Next post please
February 5, 2013 at 7:26 am #26672Jazz
Participant成都 高新区 盛和一路 88 号 国美电器旁 康普雷斯国际酒店大厅左侧电梯 –24F
Location: Chengdu Auchan(near Ikea) Galleria Plaza(HM). Take to the bustation near the HM, cross the street walk to the complet hotel, Take the elevator left side of the Complex building/hotel. To 24th Floor
Have yourself a pre club drunk party!
Happy Chinese New Years! And wishing you best of luck&good fortunes!
February 5, 2013 at 7:40 am #26674Jazz
ParticipantForgive my bad writing and grammar as I am a Chinese national and am still learning to improve my English skills and computer skills.
And it’s hard to write on my iPad. keyboard is much better for typing.
7/11 has good imorotanted Wines also achoholic drinks from different parts of China. This one weird herbal achoholic drink I love about! Its better than fake wiskey with gross sweet tea in the clubs.
Best of luck in the year of the Snake!
February 5, 2013 at 9:50 am #26681Jazz
ParticipantBefore I forget. The SKY CLuB is on the roof top they will play some fireworks from roof top and some fake snowing so if you want to capture some good fireworks from the roof top on your phone or camera it should be fun!
Also grab some drinks!
February 5, 2013 at 10:27 am #26683Jazz
ParticipantThe club owners cut off my performance–pole dancing. They are not dead dancers. They dance with souls and passion. The only reason I wanted to go there at Fridays. Now there are no dancers it’s being a little bit boring.
This Fridays big party won’t be dead boring. And there would be cocktails. Not just beers.
Shows: lion dance, Sichuan opera( face changing), musical calligraphy, sugar painting,fireworks, snowflake, Chinese singers&bands sing Chinese and western music,
Ok. I have to say Sorry I don’t have much time for blogging so forgive me if I am a poor English speaker
Check out the SKY CLUB this Friday
February 6, 2013 at 7:46 am #26721Chris Ziich
ModeratorThis sounds like a circus.
February 6, 2013 at 8:17 am #26727Jazz
ParticipantAnd yet you are still here?
If there is no clown, there would not be no people laughing right? You wouldn’t be laughing right?Why so fussy?
I admit Someone’s posts are annoying here, But there aroused some kind of funny topic people had a laugh right?
No offense there is no reason to be mad coz you do not own the place here.
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