Hell yeah man. Come by my shop and we can tell you all about our regular rides and events. We are always looking for people to join our rides and bike polo. Look for a post soon about a 2 day trip to ride the Western Sichuan Short Loop, from Dujiangyan (都江堰) over Ba Lang Shan (巴郎山), 4460m, to Ri Long (日隆镇), through Baoxing (宝兴), to Ya’an (雅安), then bus back to Chengdu.
I think I saw you or someone work in your shop one day when I was riding around the 2nd ring road. And thanks, I’ll check it out soon. BTW, it’s a cool shop!
Is it a race or ride? as you know my bike don’t go too fast
For Friday night rides there are usually two groups, one fast and one slow. I join the slow group and we cruise around for about an hour while listening to music. Come check it out, it’s a lot of fun.