Does anyone know a blacksmith in Chengdu?
I want to learn how to blacksmith and interested in how the Chinese have developed their skill and differences to the west and other places.
I could find basically nothing in Chengdu or China for that matter.
So would not assume there are some classes, but maybe someone knows a artesian blacksmith that would be willing to take on an apprentice?
The only thing I’ve seen is a silversmith up at Kuanxiangzi. Though the guy was really young, he was making a simple bracelet outside a jewellers. The whole thing drew a crowd and it was cool to watch.
A friend of mine is a blacksmith in Chengdu. I showed him this, and he said, “If you are a member tell him to get in touch”. However, I don’t see a PM function. Is it here and I’m missing it?
A friend of mine is a blacksmith in Chengdu. I showed him this, and he said, “If you are a member tell him to get in touch”. However, I don’t see a PM function. Is it here and I’m missing it?
It’s not very intuitive…use the ‘private messages’ link from the right hand toolbar, then you have to manually enter the user name.
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