Hi All,
Please see the details of our event tonight – if any one wishes to come and network, please follow the details. Any questions send me a message.
British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China e-News 2013
CD: West London Inter Chamber Summer Mixer
Britcham, Golden Sun, West London and the Chongqing Chamber of Commerce will hold an Inter-Chamber summer mixer at the 15Villa Project. Join this exciting opportunity to mingle with the Chongqing government representatives and network with local business leaders.
Date: Thursday 20th June
Time: 19:00 (18:30 pick-up from Kempinski Hotel Chengdu, (Ren Min Nan Road 42, 610041 Chengdu)
Venue: London West (next to You Pin Dao Plaza)
Price: Free
Special Guests include: Well-known entrepreneur Mr Liu Daping, institutions and Business elites, entrepreneurs of Britcham and Sichuan-Chongqing Chamber of Commerce, 20 mainstream medias in Chengdu, and Ms Jane Churchill. Food and beverages will also be provided.
There will be a shuttle bus leaving from the Kempinski Hotel Chengdu at 18:30 and will return for 22:00.
For more information please refer to the downloadable PPT
To register for this event and your space on the shuttle bus please contact Ben on 15982450135 or email: [email protected]