@Liam his permit seems like an annual permit valid til Jan regardless of school year.
@Craig As I understand it, you’re asking if you can switch from a valid student visa to a work visa and what that process entails. Right now, if you’re on an X1 (long term student visa, which appears you are) you can work in China as long as your school agrees and your employment is registered. You will need 2 years consistent work experience in order to change to a Z visa though, so if you haven’t had a couple years previous to coming to China in the field of desired employment here, may not be accepted for work visa application.
If you are accepted, I don’t know if students transitioning to Z have to abide by the same rules as L visa transitioning under the new laws – I would guess that you would NOT have to exit, if you met the Z requirements, since X1 holders are already allowed to work in China. Can’t be positive on that one though, can always verify with PSB.