Does anyone know of a Chinese site that is the equivalent of craigslist in Chengdu? Moving into a new apartment and looking for a bunch of miscellaneous items. GoChengdoo used to have a ton of ads from foreigners leaving China but now there are very few ads posted.
Or if you know of a site that where middle/upper class Chinese sell their goods, please let me know. A friend mentioned but the classifieds section is mostly overpriced junk.
Craigslist is basically dead here. A lot of the buy/sell ads in the expat community have migrated from the internet to WeChat groups. There are a handful of buy/sell groups for expats in Chengdu, you might want to look for those if you don’t speak Chinese. 58 and 闲鱼 are 100% in Chinese.
DO you mean that you get a problem on buying a second-hand furniture or something else,actually you can go to the market,there’s many flea markets around you.Maybe trying to use the map and find these markets.
Thanks for all the info. I ended up giving in and just buying the items I needed from Metro and If anyone has a multi function laser printer for sale, please let me know.
Best wishes,
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