Longquan Mountain Hill Climb
January 4th, 2014, Saturday 2pm
Single speed & Geared/Male & Female categories
Race format: Teams will be categorized into geared/single speed and male/female. Mass start with all riders of all categories, each team’s 4 members’ finishing places are added together, lowest team point total wins.
T-shirt, prizes for first 3 teams in each category, drinks, & insurance provided to the first 200 registrants.
Registration: Register as a team of 4 or individually at Natooke (Xiao Tian E. Street 3-26). Individual registrants will be grouped randomly before the event. Helmets are required and all bicycles must have installed brakes : 30RMB/person or 120RMB/team. Registration deadline is January 1, 2014.
If you missed previous events read about the first one or the second here, in High Life magazine’s article about chengdu fixed gear culture, or watch the videos: Kill the Hill 1 and Kill the Hill 2.