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    Avatar photoJanHansen

    Thanks for this linka999

    Very useful for me.

    I live in Norway and have Chinese colleagues both here in Grimstad and in Chengdu. I’m puzzled with Chinese mentality, but understand more and more.

    Like when I ask about outdoor living and the mountains around Chengdu the people I know has no idea.

    It seems like so much energy is put into living day by day so there has not been much room to look outside the city. Both because of money and lack of spare time to use.

    Also the wish to not “stand out from the crowd” is something that isn’t particularily useful in a working environment where we need all the creativity and different thinking that we can get.

    Kind Regards,


    Avatar photoMina C
    And generally speaking I think Chinese don’t like act differently, or not use to act differently.

    Serious?? Then why all the hype about owning luxury goods to stand out, differentiating themselves from the others? Is it because the whole nation is following the trend blindly even if many of its people can’t actually afford it, and no one wants to “act differently”? Teenagers selling their kidneys to buy iPads does certainly not locate in the “normal” range, among many other examples. The point is that many Chinese nowadays strive for attention and try their best to “act differently”. Just take a look at China’s two most popular microblogs, Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo, INSANE stuffs everyday!

    Avatar photoMina C
    And generally speaking I think Chinese don’t like act differently, or not use to act differently.

    Serious?? Then why all the hype about owning luxury goods to stand out, differentiating themselves from the others? Is it because the whole nation is following the trend blindly even if many of its people can’t actually afford it, and no one wants to “act differently”? Teenagers selling their kidneys to buy iPads does certainly not locate in the “normal” range, among many other examples. The point is that many Chinese nowadays strive for attention and try their best to “act differently”. Just take a look at China’s two most popular microblogs, Tencent Weibo and Sina Weibo, INSANE stuffs everyday!

    Avatar photolinka999

    @janhansen welcome to chengdu. There do have some outdoor activities club, I am sure you will find a good one hang out.

    @Mina C your act diffrently is not same as I said:)

    Avatar photolinka999

    @janhansen welcome to chengdu. There do have some outdoor activities club, I am sure you will find a good one hang out.

    @Mina C your act diffrently is not same as I said:)

    Avatar photoRay

    @Mina C: gotta disagree with you. The desire to own luxury goods is hardly an act of non-conformity. I think we call this materialism. Now a young Chinese person who turns his/her back on this, that’s a non-conformist, and someone i might be interested in talking to. But as we say, “each to his own”…

    Avatar photoRay

    @Mina C: gotta disagree with you. The desire to own luxury goods is hardly an act of non-conformity. I think we call this materialism. Now a young Chinese person who turns his/her back on this, that’s a non-conformist, and someone i might be interested in talking to. But as we say, “each to his own”…

    Avatar photoChris Ziich

    The hype to own luxury goods, in essence, is a conformist ideal. Having the latest iPhone or iPad is a status symbol here (it’s not because Chinese people have an appreciation for quality products and new technology or pleasant aesthetics…). It’s one step closer to looking rich, which is what most Chinese people want to do. I think Ray is right. You don’t find many people striving to be starving artists, musicians, or entrepreneurs. Everyone wants to look rich with their iPhones, Audis, Louis Vuitton, Nike real or fake.

    Chinese society has always moved in the opposite direction of innovation and individuality. Businesses also think alike. Every big company here is a very direct copy of something else.

    Christ, women’s hairstyles here… need I say more.

    I made this just for shits: http://i.imgur.com/mSyt3.gif



    Avatar photoChris Ziich

    The hype to own luxury goods, in essence, is a conformist ideal. Having the latest iPhone or iPad is a status symbol here (it’s not because Chinese people have an appreciation for quality products and new technology or pleasant aesthetics…). It’s one step closer to looking rich, which is what most Chinese people want to do. I think Ray is right. You don’t find many people striving to be starving artists, musicians, or entrepreneurs. Everyone wants to look rich with their iPhones, Audis, Louis Vuitton, Nike real or fake.

    Chinese society has always moved in the opposite direction of innovation and individuality. Businesses also think alike. Every big company here is a very direct copy of something else.

    Christ, women’s hairstyles here… need I say more.

    I made this just for shits: http://i.imgur.com/mSyt3.gif



    Avatar photoRay

    @Ziich?Chris: nice cut and paste man! My God, the last one, comparing Facebook and the Chinese one, that is scandalously derivitive! Call in the IPR lawyers! (BTW: that is the first time I have ever seen facebook, I swear!) Shit, just lost my last badge of honour…

    Avatar photoRay

    @Ziich?Chris: nice cut and paste man! My God, the last one, comparing Facebook and the Chinese one, that is scandalously derivitive! Call in the IPR lawyers! (BTW: that is the first time I have ever seen facebook, I swear!) Shit, just lost my last badge of honour…

    Avatar photosuxiaofeng

    @Vincent:No idea but I’ve even heard stories about Chinese girls having a Chinese boyfriend, while their parents are pushing them to find a different foreign one.

    Guess for some families it might look like winning the lottery.

    It depends on family, for family in countryside,the life for girl, i guess would be some kind of hard once the family is traditional and the boyfriend is typical foreigner. so I guess most families still choose a rich Chinese.



    as i know this facebook-similar website is owned by Softbank now,one Japanese Operator

    No wonder we Chinese like copying, anotherexample, in shopping mall many bags are same style as WHY or FION, but improvement the same time, more and more people realize that i am unique because of difference

    PS:at least I know someone here who pursuits what they like even it is tough

    Avatar photosuxiaofeng

    @Vincent:No idea but I’ve even heard stories about Chinese girls having a Chinese boyfriend, while their parents are pushing them to find a different foreign one.

    Guess for some families it might look like winning the lottery.

    It depends on family, for family in countryside,the life for girl, i guess would be some kind of hard once the family is traditional and the boyfriend is typical foreigner. so I guess most families still choose a rich Chinese.



    as i know this facebook-similar website is owned by Softbank now,one Japanese Operator

    No wonder we Chinese like copying, anotherexample, in shopping mall many bags are same style as WHY or FION, but improvement the same time, more and more people realize that i am unique because of difference

    PS:at least I know someone here who pursuits what they like even it is tough

    Avatar photoTina

    I think we should give Chinese people a break before we criticise them for wanting to be like the group. Just because we romantacise the individual in western countries doesn’t mean that is the ideal. Also, if you look at China’s recent history, perhaps it is natural that older chinese encourage their kids and grandkids not to stand out too much from the crowd…

    As to foreigners being advertised on taobao, clearly that is ridiculous.

    @Linka – thanks for your point about some people thinking foreign countries are better thanks to movies, etc. Actually I think we can blame hollywood movies for a lot of things, not just the two-dimensional view of western countries (and western women) that seems to be in many countries. Most movies are just a different kind of propoganda… (e.g. they want us all to strive to be rich, and buy nike!)

    Avatar photoTina

    I think we should give Chinese people a break before we criticise them for wanting to be like the group. Just because we romantacise the individual in western countries doesn’t mean that is the ideal. Also, if you look at China’s recent history, perhaps it is natural that older chinese encourage their kids and grandkids not to stand out too much from the crowd…

    As to foreigners being advertised on taobao, clearly that is ridiculous.

    @Linka – thanks for your point about some people thinking foreign countries are better thanks to movies, etc. Actually I think we can blame hollywood movies for a lot of things, not just the two-dimensional view of western countries (and western women) that seems to be in many countries. Most movies are just a different kind of propoganda… (e.g. they want us all to strive to be rich, and buy nike!)

    Avatar photolinka999


    I was agree with you. For my thinking act different means people should be true to himself, have self thinking about life and country and everything. Not simply just take what others said.

    I really think China like a big tree, on this tree have some branch which grows some fruits totally no self thinking, but there also have some branches which have grow another type of fruits, those fruits keep the best part of China and make it more beautiful.

    Avatar photolinka999


    I was agree with you. For my thinking act different means people should be true to himself, have self thinking about life and country and everything. Not simply just take what others said.

    I really think China like a big tree, on this tree have some branch which grows some fruits totally no self thinking, but there also have some branches which have grow another type of fruits, those fruits keep the best part of China and make it more beautiful.

    Avatar photolinka999

    There have very good book write by 林语堂(Lin Yu Tang). The name of book is -My Country And My People.

    This is very good book, but this book only talk about half of the story,another half of story i have find out in the Museum at the end.

    I put the My Country And My People combine with stuff i have see in the Museum. Then the whole story become very interesting.

    Avatar photolinka999

    There have very good book write by 林语堂(Lin Yu Tang). The name of book is -My Country And My People.

    This is very good book, but this book only talk about half of the story,another half of story i have find out in the Museum at the end.

    I put the My Country And My People combine with stuff i have see in the Museum. Then the whole story become very interesting.

    Avatar photoRick in China

    Did anyone actually do this? I’m curious how it worked out and what it was like for them.. any funny stories?

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