Disk Golf Courses in Chengdu?

HomeForumsIn ChengduDisk Golf Courses in Chengdu?

  • This topic has 5 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photoIan.
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    Avatar photototalitarianists

    Hey everybody, like many others it seems, I will be moving to Chengdu to teach English in a couple months.  I am currently living in disk heaven (aka Oregon) and am wondering if there are enough courses in or around Chengdu to warrant bringing some disks with me when I come over.  I saw a post about there being a nine hole tourny in the college park but I’m not sure whether that was a course or just someone who plopped some baskets down and had people come out.

    Let me know if you think it would be worth the precious bag space to bring 4 or 5 disks. 🙂


    P.S. I am planning to buy a bike when I get there (Natooke looks amazing) so my range will be determined by that and public transport.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    I’m not sure of the answer to this but I know there’s an ultimate frisbee league (or team? one of those) in Chengdu. I will see what I can find.

    Natooke is great, definitely visit them when you get here.

    Avatar photoHenry

    There’s a Chengdu ultimate frisbee team (www.chengdufrisbee.com) that plays every Saturday. Sometimes after playing we’ll have a spontaneous game of disc golf around the field hitting goal posts, trash cans, light poles, etc.

    As for official disc golf courses, there isn’t one that I’ve seen or heard about. But if I do hear anything I’ll be sure to post it here.

    Live long and prosper folks

    Avatar photoWoodWERD

    Thanks for that link! It’s not loading in the US but I’ll try it when I get back to Chengdu.

    Avatar photoHenry

    No problem. If anyone has questions on how to get to the field or anything, my wechat is: mrhenryhan

    Avatar photoIan

    We do usually have a couple of Frolf tournaments every year, not linked to the Chengdu frisbee team.  I’m sure we will have another one around September, but beware it involves a lot of beer.

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