looking for another Teaching job for a few days?
Date: 17-18-19 January
Payment: 120/hour, around 500! a day.
Teaching Hours: in the morning from 9 o’clock till 4 in the afternoon
Kids: from starters to beginners and intermediates. I will provide a teaching plan. But feel free to do whatever. One day will be outdoors where you can just stroll around the city and play some games and have them point at stuff. Easy!
Place: Wenjiang. They will pick-up and drop you back off at your place
School: supernice people who will provide you a free lunch.
Seems good, no? I would do it if it weren’t for my visa expiry date.
let me know something if you think this would be something for you. Please don’t call if you don’t have any experience with teaching out here, i’m not saying that you would’nt do a good job, it’s just that I’m more sure I can provide them somebody who knows how do something like this. Cheers!
Michiel 15882131392