I’ve got some lightly used clothes that no longer fit but are still in great condition. No stains, smells, skidmarks etc. All items were purchased in the US from known retailers, and everything is negotiable. I’ve already done 2nd Hand 2nd Story, this is my last attempt before it all gets donated to my favorite dumpster diver. I’ll try to update this with pics later.
– 2 XXL Polo by Ralph Lauren polos (100 rmb each)
– 3 XL Roundtree & Yorke Gold Label iron-free dress shirts (75 ea.)
– 3 LG-XL short sleeve button down shirts, Tommy Hilf. and others (25 ea.)
– 3 Lucky Brand blue jeans, size 38×32, various styles (150 ea)
– 1 Dockers Signature Khaki slacks, size 40×32 classic fit (100)
– 2 Louis Raphael dress slacks, black and grey, washable wool sizes 42×32 (100 ea)
wechat: mwoodward