Friday 3/26 DJ Siesta @ DISCO DEATH, Panda Club

HomeForumsIn ChengduFriday 3/26 DJ Siesta @ DISCO DEATH, Panda Club

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    Avatar photoDisco Death


    In March of 2010 we’re happy to host DJ SIESTA from Shanghai!! Siesta has spent ten years throwing premier drum & bass events in Hong Kong and Shanghai, inviting the worlds top drum & bass talent to China. She is personally responsible as much as anyone for the international drum & bass scene finding its way to the east coast of China. And now, it’s time she makes her way into Western China as she graces Chengdu with her DJ presence for the first time. We don’t even know what Siesta is going to play, but we’re really excited to find out. Expect any and all manner of drum & bass of course, plus some surprises. We’re really looking forward to this!

    Check out DJ Siesta’s Myspace page, Facebook (if you’re blocked, read this), her own Phreaktion website. We also found this Shanghaiist interview from not too long ago, as well. Enjoy!

    Avatar photoshinichi


    Avatar photoProfessorJ

    This will definitely be a dope show and a first for Chengdu. Looking forward to seeing Siesta.

    Avatar photoblacklynx

    my dear Jane!

    Avatar photoDisco Death

    We’re giving away 5 free tickets to tomorrow’s party!

    Check the thread on the Chengdu Living blog to enter:

    Avatar photoProfessorJ

    Shinichi,I miss u, where have you been? shinichi 在那里啊?=)

    Avatar photoDisco Death

    Last night’s party was RIDICULOUS!!! Thanks to everyone who came and made it so live.

    Here’s the flyer for next months DISCO DEATH featuring HEAVY Crew from Hong Kong:


    Avatar photoshinichi
    Shinichi,I miss u, where have you been? shinichi 在那里啊?=)

    Hehe, I am here now

    You are?

    Avatar photoMatt

    I didn’t go but I heard it was great. I’ll catch the next one.

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