Slim 160gb PS3, 13 games (including GTAV), 2 official controllers
- Metal Gear Rising Revengeance
- Ni no kuni: wrath of the white witch
- Uncharted 3 drakes deception
- FIFA 12
- Grand theft auto V
- Final fantasy XIII-2
- Vanquish
- The last of us
- Neir
- Valkeyria Chronicles
- Resident evil operation raccoon city
- El shaddai
( all games are genuine official products)
1700rmb ( for everything I don’t want to sell items separately)
Xbox 360 slim 4gb model, 2 official controllers (boxed)
The console is modded to play the games you can by in China, also includes a kinect motion sensor but I am giving it away with console free because it has a broken hinge ( still 100% functional however)
Both items are just 2 years old, well taken care of and used for less than a few hours a week for the whole. Please email me for pictures or if you have any question.