Golf Coaching in Chengdu's Incubation Park

HomeForumsIn ChengduGolf Coaching in Chengdu's Incubation Park

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photoRay.
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    Avatar photonzgolfstudio

    Newly opened NZ Englsih & Golf Studio provides golf coahing for people interested in learning to play or developing their golf game. Learn with New Zeland PGA Coach at this indoor studio using Swing Catalyst Video analysis.

    Grand opening package deals:

    • Coaching packages for Children 5yr – 14yrs from $2,000 for 16 hours
    • Coaching packages for Adults from $6,000 for 15 hours
    • Equipment provided
    • Online coahing included so students arent constrained by time and place

    Arriving soon will be a Flightscope lunch monitor to add to the experiance!

    The indoor studio is located above AUX Plaza in Incubation Park, Chengdu.

    For bookings or further information please email: [email protected]

    Avatar photoRay

    Interesting article on golf in China (vpn needed). Key points:
    *all golf courses are technically illegal in China
    *membership at one club mentioned is 1 million kuai
    *new golf courses are banned, but they are booming.

    Avatar photoRick in China


    Didn’t know they were all illegal. One other thing to add to your list, though – there was a big trend at one point (not sure about now) where people would buy up a lot of super overpriced memberships, to basically scalp them later on.. an investment like parking spots or anything else that’s relatively limited here.

    Avatar photonzgolfstudio

    I actually got the book ‘Forbidden Game’ a couple of weeks ago in Hong Kong and it makes for very interesting reading. Yes golf courses are technically illegal but developers often find ways around it.

    Also included during coaching sessionsa are drinks, (COLD Beers, Water and Softdrinks)

    Indoor studio is also air conditioned so you can escape from the heat.

    Avatar photoRay

    So what do the developers and local government do? Just say “it’s a park, not a golf course”? What about those flags and greens and all those guys in golf buggies? How do you hide a golf course? I guess for the country that makes fake chicken eggs, hiding a golf course ain’t too hard….

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