Hi, I'm an Intolerant Chinese Person

HomeForumsGeneral DiscussionHi, I'm an Intolerant Chinese Person

  • This topic has 19 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Avatar photodvcd.
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  • #36891
    Avatar photoViki_hj

    To all the foreigners and people from Taiwan always judges about mainland China. Do not complain about it,just get out of our territory please!!!!

    Moderator’s summary of this post: If you hold an opinion that I disagree with, please do not present it to me, I would rather pretend that it does not exist. Simultaneously, I will go out of my way to publicly tell everyone that I do not want to hear anyone challenge any of my preconceptions about China.

    Avatar photoBen

    Avatar photobelle

    agree, i’ve seen many foreigners who always complain about how gross the chinese food are,  and how bad chinese are. alwatys wondering why are they even stay here. doesnt make any sense

    Avatar photoMichael M

    Viki and Belle,

    I think I speak for most foreigners who choose to live in Chengdu when I say: I like the food, I like the people and I like living here!

    The best thing to do if you come across foreigners complaining is ignore them, the same way most foreigners ignore the things they don’t like here. Everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages, negative people will complain when they are in China, at home or anywhere!

    I’m from the UK and I often meet Chinese people who have lived there and don’t like it! There’s really no need to be offended. Some people just don’t understand the the joy of living in a new, different and foreign place.

    Anyway, if you want to meet some positive, china-loving and cool people in Chengdu, both Chinese and from many other countries. We have a free monthly networking event here in Chengdu, details here: https://chengduliving.com/forum/topic/tuesday-november-12th-chengdu-business-connection-monthly-networking-mixer/ You’re welcome to join!

    Avatar photoViki_hj

    cannot agree more!

    Avatar photoViki_hj

    agree, i’ve seen many foreigners who always complain about how gross the chinese food are, and how bad chinese are. alwatys wondering why are they even stay here. doesnt make any sense

    cannot agree more!!!!

    Avatar photoViki_hj

    Viki and Belle,

    I think I speak for most foreigners who choose to live in Chengdu when I say: I like the food, I like the people and I like living here!

    The best thing to do if you come across foreigners complaining is ignore them, the same way most foreigners ignore the things they don’t like here. Everywhere has its advantages and disadvantages, negative people will complain when they are in China, at home or anywhere!

    I’m from the UK and I often meet Chinese people who have lived there and don’t like it! There’s really no need to be offended. Some people just don’t understand the the joy of living in a new, different and foreign place.

    Anyway, if you want to meet some positive, china-loving and cool people in Chengdu, both Chinese and from many other countries. We have a free monthly networking event here in Chengdu, details here: https://chengduliving.com/forum/topic/tuesday-november-12th-chengdu-business-connection-monthly-networking-mixer/ You’re welcome to join!

    Hello Michael, Thanks for these kindly words.I never mean to be aggressive about this, it just really upset me every time when I heard ppl always complaining about China. I understand that China needs to improve in a lot of ways, but we are improving.It is really frustrated always heard about ppl who obtained the huge benefits from China, but were complaining about it at the same time.As you said, there is not perfect in the world, i just hope when ppl looked at China, or thought about China, could be more appreciate and fair!

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Changed the title of this post to something more accurate.

    agree, i’ve seen many foreigners who always complain about how gross the chinese food are, and how bad chinese are. alwatys wondering why are they even stay here. doesnt make any sense

    Have you ever considered that people might choose to live somewhere despite it having problems, or that nowhere is perfect? Or do you believe that China is perfect, and anyone who complains about anything here is completely crazy? Either way, you demonstrate staggering ignorance.

    Avatar photoAlexander

    Since Lawrence Li , well , seems like more people would like to say something to the foreigners  at this forum! Viki watch this post.

    I think you should never tell someone should shot judge or being skeptical. It’s what makes improvements.

    Look into the news about ??, it’s not about judgement, its about blindness of ourself. She has the right to show another Chinese political group’s flag.

    BTW, if you are an agent of NSA, just forget about this, I’m kidding!


    Avatar phototina tan

    @charlie :  Charlie u are a respectable Man,  I love everything u did for chengdu living. But let’s not start another war ? Cool it man, just hear what others say… It’s obvious they have no bad intention just wantEd to express how Upset they were when they hear some of you guys complain about china…..  To be honest I bet every Chinese Has small same feeling, it’s just sometimes we choose to ignore. …personally , I think chengdu living is your community So I ignore whatever bad thing said here about China, cause u guys have the freedom to say whatever u like here,  foreigners are more straightforward which I respect. But there are also Chinese here in the forum, study are simply trying to tell it hurts us when u guys say things like that , don’t u think if u guys just listen and think , it might help some of u to adjust the place faster and understand it more?

    @viki : just like we don’t like them judging us in our place, they would hate us judging them around their territory, namely , chengdu living is their house their home, so , cool it Unless u want start a war. Personally , if next time u met an asshole in the street , confront him directly, normally it works. And most importantly , keep this in mind , they are too just human beings , the reason u d be unhappy about their judgements is that , deep down, u still believe that foreigners are well educated and gentleman like,when they come to a new place they d be polite as if they were guests, they d behave themselves. But the truth is that, most foreigners  already take this place as their home, and it’s reasonable for ur family to judge ur Family , right ? So , forget that they are foreigners , treat them as if they were Chinese, then u d understand all of it.

    With all due respect, for I do love the forum and some of my friends here. So guys, cool it , cool it .

    ps: my account doesn show the messages I sent ?  And may god bless me, I wouldn t get in trouble because of this.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    @charlie : Charlie u are a respectable Man, I love everything u did for chengdu living. But let’s not start another war ? Cool it man, just hear what others say… It’s obvious they have no bad intention just wantEd to express how Upset they were when they hear some of you guys complain about china….. To be honest I bet every Chinese Has small same feeling, it’s just sometimes we choose to ignore…

    Hi Tina,

    I have no interest in starting a war, my interest is in creating and preserving a platform for friendly and rational people to exchange information without being unfairly targeted. If you choose to use this as a platform to discriminate against others or propagate messages of hate or intolerance, I will not stand by and let that happen.

    Avatar phototina tan

    @ charlie: i know u are very busy m but , i think it s obvious all i did was trying to mitigate the situation ?

    Anyway ,  I think I will just keep silent in cases like this In the future. Can’t believe I did get into trouble because of it. …

    Avatar photoCharlie

    @ charlie: i know u are very busy m but , i think it s obvious all i did was trying to mitigate the situation ? Anyway , I think I will just keep silent in cases like this In the future. Can’t believe I did get into trouble because of it. …

    Hi Tina,

    I think you misunderstand me – I can see that you’re just trying to help! Don’t feel bad. There’s no need for you to be silent – I hope you contribute. But saying things like “all foreigners who criticize China should leave” is no contribution. If anyone cannot understand that, I seriously doubt that they’re ready to meaningfully interact with non-Chinese people.

    Avatar photoNuton Tang

    ooops! this is a  real racist  title!

    i am a Sichuaner who just came back from Malaysia 2 weeks ago, i had been staying there for about 4 years,that is  quite a long time, and now i think i am still suffering  counter culture shocks.

    the thing  is,  in Malaysia, the public  services  and administration are so damn slow, i always wait at  post office for more than one hour to pay for my bills! at the same time,  corrupt Officials wanna take every penny of you! can you imagine that, there  are always about  5-6 policemen on the main highway between downtown and my  place to set a checkpoint on every Friday night,they try to charge 100 ringgits( about 33 USDs ) from us,with the reasons like “you should bring your passport.” “your photocopy of passport is so blurred””this guys must drink so much”and every times,we pay about 50 ringgits for those kind of things.(i do know it is bribe,and that is the only thing works there).but even we are so tamed like this, but once,there was a newbie of  those policemen who i had never seen him before called us”fucking Chink!”

    the things happened on me  are much worse than foreigners in CDC; i  complain about all  those kind of stuffs with every Malaysian i know(i just posted  on facebook ),and you know what?  none of them on my oppose side,  they all understand me,and supported me.that  was pretty warm and sweet.

    when you post those racist comment, pls think about what if same thing happen on you when you was in overseas,sigh.

    BTW: is the owner of this website from south?the tool bar displays”howdy”, that is funny.

    Avatar photoAlexander

    “Howdy”, is WordPress default greeting! I think!

    Avatar photoAlexander

    Being resentful will not help the world to being a better place, feelings are mutual. Can’t change others, but you can change yourself to be a better person immune from those awful people.

    Terrible person exist in every culture, but there are always nice people,  such as most people in this forum.

    China is nor North Korea, culture collision are happening everyday! If you hate their people, I don’t think you will have a chance see the expats in life.

    Do you really know them or you just what to spit something out after read some bad news.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    once,there was a newbie of those policemen who i had never seen him before called us”fucking Chink!” the things happened on me are much worse than foreigners in CDC

    That’s really surprising and sad to hear. I wouldn’t have expected someone in Asia to use an Asian ethnic slur against you (I actually had to Google that word to even discover that it was specific to Chinese people).

    the things happened on me are much worse than foreigners in CDC

    The vast majority of Chinese people I have encountered in Chengdu have been really friendly and welcoming. Much moreso than in the most developed cities in China like Beijing and Shanghai, I find. Every year I run into a few people who are blatantly racist, which I have observed generally stems from being propagandized to hate the West, or out of spitefulness that Westerners enjoy freedoms and rights that they do not (which is tragic). In my experience, you see that to a small degree in many third-world countries.

    BTW: is the owner of this website from south?the tool bar displays”howdy”, that is funny. 

    Alexander is right about this!

    Avatar photoRick in China

    To all the foreigners and people from Taiwan always judges about mainland China. Do not complain about it,just get out of our territory please!!!!

    I always find unprovoked posts like this SO amusing. I tend to fantasize about what sort of tragedy happened upon poor Viki to cause this outlash at a bunch of strangers.

    Avatar photoAlan

    So the best way to solve a problem like semi-tolerant complainers is to be intolerant of them?


    Whether their complaints are valid or not they are at least tolerating those things in order to work in China. Something which will presumably be a mutually beneficial exercise.

    Perhaps if you tolerated their complaints (or even tried to empathise with them) you might find you could benefit more from these people.

    Avatar photodvcd

    Chinese people, don’t be so brain washed. Some people complain, and sometimes they have a point for it. We need to take people’s thoughts which is reasonable.

    If we don’t listen to people’s advice, if things like 1957-1976 happen, nobody will listen to ours any more.

    I wish there is no National Security Police(国保). I don’t care a lot about NSA.

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