iPhone Thieves Have Big Balls

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    Avatar photoBrian

    Somewhere in Chengdu, a thief is wondering why a foreigner would walk around with the most beat-to-shit looking iphone he has ever seen.

    Who knew they would grab a phone while you are listening to music? I am now 99% sure he  had a helper:  the woman who gave me the “wow, a foreigner!” stare just as the music went out. Needless to say, she was unable to point, and it took me a few seconds to realize why the music stopped.

    It happened around 9am just outside the Tongzilin Metro station.

    It was in a zippered pocket on my back pack, next time I’ll go with velcro.

    And the next time somebody gives you that blank stare, look behind you!

    Avatar photoRay

    Dude i get that slack-jawed stare 24/7. I look around me everytime that happens I’m gonna crick my goddamned neck….

    Avatar photohank

    Once there was a guy on the street who walked up next to me and tried to hold hands with me. I did not let him. Then he started trying to caress my arm. That was weird…… And yes I’m a guy.

    My reaction was to step away and check my pockets. I’ve been thinking this was a way to distract me while his companion was supposed to pickpocket me.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Brian, it truly sucks to hear that story. If it was a concerted effort between the two, that is a pretty organized scheme. I would say look out for gawkers but man, that would mean checking your pockets every 2 minutes when you’re outside. I suggest keeping your phone in your front pocket, that’s where I always keep mine. I think at this point I unconsciously check to make sure my phone is there about once a minute, at least.

    I had a Blackberry stolen years ago in Chengdu when I was walking on Kehua Beilu at night, but it was stupidly in a winter jacket pocket which in retrospect was a pretty vulnerable place to keep it. You really can’t be too careful with an iPhone in China.

    Avatar photoBrendan

    Then he started trying to caress my arm.

    Perhaps he found your arm unusually handsome.

    I unconsciously check to make sure my phone is there about once a minute, at least.

    For the record, this is too much checking. 😀

    Avatar photoMichael M

    Hi Brian,

    I think keeping your phone in your backpack was probably a mistake, front pocket is definitely the answer. Your reactions tend to be pretty fast when someone is going for your crotch region!

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