Hey Everyone!
After the success of our last Pool party, Jellyfish is proud to announce, that on Saturday, August 10th, we are going to throw the best pool party this city has ever seen in the best pool Chengdu has to offer – The Homeland 5 stars hotel.
This time We are going to add more stuff to increase the experience, there will be even more games and stuff on the water, there will be proffesional Hip-Hop shows, dance shows, drummers shows and fire shows.
Ofcourse the biggest hit from last time, the Wet T-shirt contest is making a come-back!
The Alcohol will stay awesome and the food will have more options and choices.
This time, except for the right to enjoy the best party in luxury 5 star pool, the ticket price includes 1 free drink and transportation from Jellyfish and back!
As a reminder for the last party, feel free to check out our last party’s 15 minutes of fame on CDTV, it’s quite chinese in style, but still gets the idea. http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/gv8g5bzrIO8/
Time: Saturday, August 10th 14:00-22:30
Location: Homeland Hotel 家园国际酒店
Tickets: guys/girls – 100/70, on sale in Jellyfish and The Spot
So go on taobao and get yourself a new Bikini and see you on Saturday!