Nice and cozy 2 bedroom, 1 study, 1 bathroom, 128 m2,apartment for long-term rent, fully furnished and equipped, with fiber internet already installed, for RMB2500,- per month.Yu Cai Zhu Dao (育才竹岛),nice view over Fulan river and Tianfu software park, situated right next to Tianfu Da Dao, approx. 15 minutes walk from software park. Carrefour and Auchan approx. 10 minutes by bicycle.
Taxi to Tianfu square around RMB50,- (or just hop on the metro from Century City.)
Will be available from January 2nd for min. 1 year. (We’ll be out of the country for a while, so please no short-term requests!)
To view the apartment, please contact us at [email protected] or call 15520812813 and before end of December!
The (co-)owner is a Dutch born Chinese, fluently in Dutch, English, Cantonese and Mandarin. Lived and worked in Chengdu for the past 8 years. Now going back to the Netherlands for the kids to go to school.