A lot of people asked me if I was closing my sandwich shop. I’m not.
I put my kitchen equipment up for sale on the this to see what I could sell if I couldn’t fit it all in our new smaller kitchen at Here-We-Go bar. Fortunately I fit it all in, except for the big refrigerator, which is still for sale if anyone is interested.
Here We Go bar is amazing. I am living the dream of selling sandwiches in my favorite bar. Also I was able to set up a steam hood in there so now we can fry up all kinds of good stuff. A lot of the sandwich recipes have moved into the Wok and are tasting awesome. Also in the future I plan to expand to other fried things like… chips (for u Brits) or FREEDOM FRIES for my fellow Americans haha
If anyone wants to check it out, HERE WE GO bar is on the 21st floor of Bao Li building A. That’s the same building as Helens and Ms. Bamboo.
During the day I’ll still be serving sandwiches in Ms. Bamboo, and at night I’ll be serving them in Here We Go until 11pm Sun-Thu and 2am Fri and Sat. Still closed on Tuesdays.
Also we may be throwing a little party Christmas night, so if you don’t want to retire to your lonely cold apartment, come join us! Ho ho ho! Merry Holiday!!!!