Hi Guys and Girls,
i am sorry for i am sure this topic was raised here more than once, but i am to stupid to find anything about it.
I am planing my china trip right now and try to figure out the costs.
I am pretty sure that i would like to spend 5-6 Month in Chengdu, studyig Mandarin at SWUFE.
Having my Rent and University paid, i should have about 500-550$ (USD) left each month for food, entertainment and whatever…
I know it highly depends on ones lifestyle how much he spends a month, but since i am not that much into shopping and don’t need to spend each weekend clubbing i would like to know some thoughts on this budget. I am optimistic it should be allright for it would work fine in Germany, and i guess chengdu is a bit cheaper.
Much text, barely a concrete question… sorry again 😉
thanks for your time and please excuse my bad english!
regards, mailo.