What are the hours? Is this a salaried job, or is it paid per-hour? Can people work from remotely, or is there an office they have to go to? Is this for advertising, games, photography, or something else?
These are questions that potential employees are very likely to have, so I would provide some more information if you can and address them off the bat.
it helps if they speak English but its not required.
This can be a freelance or full time job, depending on the candidate. If a full time job, then it would be a salaried position. If a free lance job, then paid per hour.
Salary depends on the quality of the candidates work and would discuss with the applicant.
The job will be for a variety of subjects, from advertising to, games, to website creation.
No need to be in China if you are freelancing, if you want to apply for the full time job then yes, you would need to be based of chengdu, and work from our office.
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