A foreigner is looking for a part time job ..i am an experienced English teacher in chengdu from 3 years..working in many private institutions n personal home tutions. though i need to change some of them so if ur intrested in learning good english u can contact me..Other kind of jobs also will do. if u have any part time jobs pls contact me.
1. A foreigner is looking for a part time job .I am an experienced English teacher in Chengdu (from) 3 years..Wworking in many private institutions n? personal home( tutions ?). Tthough I need to change some of them so if ur intErested in learning good E ]nglish u can contact me..Other kind of jobs also will do. If u have any part time jobs pls contact me.
Please don’t teach ingleesh!Has you did got a TEFL qualification??
I need to complete my TEFL and im on my last 2 questions (easy ones) but I am now in such state that whenever i look into the test i want to puke or get really really lazy. Im affraid that this will loop over and over again and i am not going to finish it in the 80 days left.
hi,everyone. we are a kindergarten in Huayang County, Chengdu. we are looking for a part time job foreign teacher. there is no requirement of nationality and teaching experience.so if you wish to be a member of us, please contact me at [email protected]. i will reply as soon as possible. wish you all good day. by the way, you can call me Venus.
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