Hey people, I’ve seen the latest massages but I will still post this.
I’m looking for an apartment that will cost no more then 1500 yuan a month
I will study in SWUFE and I prefer to live in a distance of no more then half an hour bus drive from there being partialy close to wuhou ci could be great as well
I have been here less then two months ago but I was not sure about my staying so that price I know I can get a really nice one 🙂 one bedroom and one living room and a nice kitxhen as well – I hope the prices didn’t go up in less then two months 🙂
if nothing studio apartment with a kitchen could also be great 🙂
If you have any suggestion or apartments that not through agents (that take a whole month service fee) I’ll be glad
and Here is my details 🙂
Email: [email protected]
Skype: gr.barash
Cell-number: 15102830134
Thank you very much – It’s really urgent because I don’t wanna start decading while looking for an apartment 🙂
Updade: by mistake I put it in “general duscussion” instead of “jobs & apartments”, somebody can move it please? 🙂