Looking to Meet People

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    Avatar photoDeirdre

    Hi, my name’s Deirdre. Just arrived a few weeks ago from Ireland. Looking to meet people and hang out. Teaching teenagers English and they’re driving me bonkers already. Drop me a line if you fancy a beer or whatever. I haven’t been anywhere yet really, just been trying to adjust………………

    D 🙂


    Avatar photorafoberto

    Hi Deirdre

    Welcome to Chengdu! My name is Rafael, I’ve recently moved to Chengdu all the way from Mexico, just like you I haven’t really explored much of the city and it’s surroundings as much as I would like to, nor I’ve met too many people to hang out with.

    If you’re interested, we can meet up one day for a drink or a chat at a park, whatever you might fancy.


    Avatar photoDaithi

    Hiya Deirdre

                          Im David from Galway. Actually Im not in Chengdu, rather studying  in Yaan a couple of hours away but sure when next I am in Chengu I will give u a  shout. Hope u have a ball!





    @ Rafoberto    Hiya man, where did u learn “slainte”?  Funny to see written down 🙂

                             hasta lluego hombre


    Avatar photorafoberto

    Hey David

    I learned that word on my trip to Ireland last year, a common and well received word on my pub hopping adventure on the Emerald Isle.

    Avatar photoDaithi


    ahhh maybe u have some Irish blood in u 🙂  Did u make it to Galway by any chance? Had u a good time in Ireland?  Aside from drinking too much what did u do? In Galway, my hometown, there are many Spanish speakers. Fun for me cos I lived in Spain for 7/8 months. Are there many Spanish speakers in Chengdu? Also I read somewhere of Chinese workers taking health checks for visa purposes to go and work in South America. Is this a widespread phenomenon?

                                   all the best


    Avatar photokale


    nice to meet you here! i’m just working in Chengdu, i’d like to make friends with people who`s speak English.

    ride mountain bike is one of my favorite and i also like swimming.

    anyway if you are interesting, we could hang out together some weekend day.


    Avatar photorafoberto

    @Daithi As a matter of fact, I did visit Galway while I was in Ireland, lovely little place, with lots of pretty girls I must say, I guess there is some truth to the “Galway Girl” song. A shame I couldn’t stay longer there, because sadly I did not meet any other spanish speakers during my stay.

    I had a great time in Ireland, drinking was a big part of the schedule I’ll admit, but I also visited a few other historical and cultural places like the Cliffs of Moher, the Blarney Stone and the Guinness Factory! haha, overall I loved it there and I would definitely go back given the chance.

    It seems to me that there aren’t that many spanish speakers here in Chengdu, I’ve met 2 other people, both from Peru, but aside from that I’ve heard stories of one or two other mexicans that live here, but they seem to be elusive and hard to find.

    As for the chinese workers in South America, it seems that there is indeed a huge wave of chinese immigrants heading that way, back home there are more and more establishments and businesses run by chinese families, so they have certainly set their eyes on latin america by the looks of it.

    Let me know whenever you’re back in Chengdu so we can go have a pint somewhere, my irish accent could use some improvement! Best regards.

    – Rafael

    Avatar photoDave

    There are loads of Spanish speakers in Chengdu.

    Between the football and rugby teams we have about 25. Not just Spaniards but Mexicans, Chileans, Costa Ricans, Colombians etc. Then of course most are here with their partners.

    You should come down to the Southwest Showdown tournament this Sunday. There will be loads of friendly people.



    Avatar photonico

    Hi, welcome! I’m teaching middle school, so I feel your pain, lol! Drop me a mail and we can chat?


    [email protected]

    Avatar photoDaithi

    @Rafael    Yeah, of course I am biased, but I do think Galway is a lovely city. The only city I prefer in Ireland is Cork. Glad u enjoyed ur visit. I bet we have frequented the same bars at one time or another chasing girls haha. Course aside from our over-indulgence in drinking there is tons to do so good for u that u also checked out some of the amazing sights.

                     So I see there are plenty of Spanish speakers in Chengdu. Thats handy for u………save u from getting homesick.

                    Its interesting about the Chinese immigration to Latin America. I rarely see adds for learning Spanish here. I wonder y Latin America in particular? Maybe u will start a  wave of Spanish language teachers!

                   Ok hopefully catch u in Chengdu for a beer sometime.

                                    all the best


    Avatar photoDeirdre

    Hey Raphael and David,

    I’m obviously crap at using forums cos I only noticed your replies now. Bit of a techno mutant. So, sorry for the delay in replying. Sure would love a drink anytime. I’m finding it all a bit lonely. My email is [email protected]. Thanks for the Slainte Raphael by the way!

    David – I’m originally from Tipp, but most recently been in Galway for last 10 years. How I miss Neactains!

    Hope to hear from you guys.


    Avatar photomagicx

    Spainish speakers are a lot here? i don’t know that.

    just reading you guys talking. I’m local and speak English if you would like me to help, any time.


    Avatar photokaka.abi

    Welcome in Chengdu. I just got here for one month. What am I doing here? Huh! I just want to explore this city and stay for a while for local cruising.
    I also would like to make friend in here. We can get together to have fun in Chengdu if you like having accompany.
    Good luck in here.

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