Mini motorbikes…

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  • This topic has 16 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Avatar photoBen.
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    Avatar photoRick in China

    Anyone ride mini bikes? My buddy and I can occasionally be seen zipping around town between bars in the evening on our minis..and 49cc so doesn’t require license or license plates, max speed ~70kmph, ultra-cheap on gas (ikea<>south of software park costs me like 3rmb/return trip) and they look f’in awesome! I’ve not seen any others around town, and had to wait 3 weeks for mine to arrive..wondering if anyone else has interest in these little beasts.

    Avatar photohank

    How small bikes are we talking? Got pics of yours?
    What’s the price range like for these bikes?

    Early summer I saw some kind of mini bikes that caught my interest. They were small but not crazy small.

    Avatar photoSlavsky

    Strange. I was told 49cc requires the licence. How confident you are?

    Avatar photoRick in China

    Under 50cc doesn’t require a license or license plate, but license plate (if you have friends in say, deyang :D) means you can get insurance and if someone hits you or you hit someone, it’s a significant safety net.

    I was stopped riding to work, once, for driving a gas bike without license, I explained it’s under 50cc and doesn’t require shit, and copper let me go without any hassle. Maybe it’s because I said it in an angry tone and said “You should study your own laws, and stop making me late for a meeting” or something to that effect.

    I’m confident. 😀 It’s a *mini* bike, you can pick it up by the handle bars. I’ll post some pics later~

    Avatar photoGAVVIE

    ..wondering if anyone else has interest in these little beasts.Definitely interested. Would like to see some pics and also specs if you have. Thanks.

    Avatar photoAl the Dead

    On a side note, does anybody know what is that strange single wheel thing i sometimes see people on? You ride it standing, it looks hilarious and cool at the same time.It can go quite fast too, i saw people riding it on the roads alone with usual electric scooters. Wanna buy it to stroll around my place 🙂


    Avatar photoRick in China

    Basically unmodified version in this image. It shows the relative size tho. My friend has spent a few K rmb to modify and make his look very cool – with leather harley side bags and various colour mods.

    I’m planning to spend about 2000 on mods on this one. The base model is 6-7k. It’s 49cc and tops out around 70kmph. Gas is very cheap, and I guess you can get like 100-150 km out of a tank? maybe more..

    – Rick

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    Avatar photoVincent

    That looks like the Chinese version a Honda Monkey: the Jincheng Singa. Those are very popular in Belgium. The parts you can buy for these things are endless.

    Avatar photoRick in China

    That’s exactly what it is, Vincent 🙂

    Avatar photoLiam

    These things are great! I want one.

    Al, I think you’re talking about a Segway, right? They use those things to punish police officers back in the states, they can be fun but if I remember pretty expensive.

    Avatar photoVincent

    Imo buy a 85cc cilinder, bigger carburetor and a blasting exhaust and have the time of your life. The noise this will make is amazing.

    And if you have too much time and money on your hands, make it look like this:


    Avatar photoRick in China

    My friend altered his exhaust, sounds great. The exhaust these comes with isn’t bad, but when you peak around 70s it gets squeely..


    Problem with 85cc is it’s OVER 50, which means license & plates required.


    If anyone is interested, let me know, I’ll introduce you to a bike shop that can bring them here 😀

    Avatar photoVincent

    It would still say 49cc on its papers though right?

    What are you talking about officer?


    edit: oh, I obviously ment buy the 50cc version and tune the engine for a more fun experience 😀

    Avatar photoRick in China

    Yeah Vincent, you can do that – I’m interested just need to find the right supplier of the parts I need that aren’t Japan import expensive 😛 saw some monkey 150cc full engines for like 3k USD ><

    Avatar photomatthew123

    Looks cools mate. Are they reliable?

    Is it possible to do somewhat “long distance” driving on this? 100km. Or is it just for messing about with at night.

    I’m scared its going to fail to start up. Leaving me in the middle of nowhere.

    Might go down the motorcycle license route. I’m mainly looking for something to do weekend tours away from Chengdu. More research needs to be done

    Avatar photoCharlie

    I didn’t know that a 49cc bike bypassed the license limitation, I thought the distinction was between electric scooters and gasoline motorcycles. I’ve never had a scooter in Chengdu but if I were get back into the bike game I would get another full size dual sport motorcycle. Great for riding outside of the city, I wouldn’t even bother with inner city driving – a little too hectic for me. I used to have a 250cc dual sport which I got for 6k – I’d probably go that route again. Maybe next spring, although I’ve been saying that for a few years now.

    Avatar photoBen

    I didn’t know that a 49cc bike bypassed the license limitation

    They don’t. Technically you should have a F licence…

    I don’t know why anyone would bother though.


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