70yuan/session is a great deal for 130sqm in my opinion. If you call up most services these days, for that size, you’d probably get a quote for like 250-300rmb. It’s gone crazy up in he’ah!
I’m actually soon in the market for a near daily ish? maid. Will have a baby in december, and wifey will need some assurance she isn’t going to be stuck managing everything while I’m not there – daily (half day at least?) is ideal I guess, doesn’t need to actually do much baby-taking-care-of but more of the like… clean up everything around the house maybe do some shopping n stuff, surely lots of laundry, anyone know anyone interested? Location is directly across the street from Ikea – inside 3rd ring road. Please let me know 😀
Also interested if anyone has brought some western baby stuff over and wants to get rid of it, otherwise I’m guessing I’ll be shipping a lot of gear in the next few months (various seats and sacks and sleeping things and stuff? shit I’m going to be a horrible father.)
– Rick