I need help finding a special Chinese medicine doctor in chongzhou. Her name is Dr. Zheng Shaoqin. There is somebody that knows her. His name is Dr. Wu Zhihong and his clinic is on the side of the road from Yuantong town to Chongzhou city. I will pay for your time if it helps me locate Dr. Zheng Shaoqin.
Looking for some muscle to head to Wu Zhihong’s roadside “clinic” in Chongzhou and find out where Zheng Shaoqin is at, track her down and lock ‘er up til you arrive?
“Tell me, or I’ll force this dried deer penis up your nose, asshole!”
No sorry I don’t the characters for their names. Was hoping somebody was in the area that could help me and I pay for their time if they could help. The lady doctor is somebody very special in Chinese medicine who I would like very much to meet.
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