Need Help Translating Medical Bill

HomeForumsClassifiedsJobs & Apartment RentalsNeed Help Translating Medical Bill

  • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Avatar photo7.
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  • #32465
    Avatar photo7

    I have about a bill from a local hospital that is about 4 pages long that I need to get translated so that I can submit it to my insurance company.

    Has anyone had to have something like this done and have any leads on someone who can? I assume it is a lot of medical jargon and therefore would need someone with that specific knowledge to translate it.


    Avatar photoKim Duistermaat

    why would you have to translate it in the first place? Did your insurance company insist you do? I’d check with them, first. Also, many insurance companies want the responsible doctor or hospital to fill out the form that indicates which treatment was given, then sign and stamp it, no matter what is printed on the bill. If you have to translate yourself, I’d go to a sworn translator office. Or perhaps Parkway Health or Global Doctors can help you out? Good luck!

    Avatar photo7

    I did check with my insurance company and they require a copy translated into English.

    Good idea on Parkway & Global. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that. I will have to check with them.

    Avatar photomiiswh

    Let me know if you still need help. I will be interning at Stanford Hospital as medical interpreter in July and am up for some practice.

    Avatar photo7

    Thanks, I think I already found someone, but I sent you a PM just in case.

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