Writer from New Zealand with Questions

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  • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 10 years ago by Avatar photoNil.
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  • #41919
    Avatar photoNil

    Excuse me, my name is Nil, I’m from Chengdu. Now, I’m studying graphic design in New Zealand. Recently, I have a project to design a book. I’m planning to design my book that introduce Chengdu about real lifestyle, attitude towards life, food culture, street culture, fine arts, local artists, music etc. to foreigners and strangers who interested in Chengdu or live in there. So I search lots of information on Internet, but sadly, I couldn’t find any English article about Chengdu’s modern, real life. Fortunately, I find the website chengduliving.com, all you guys and I am so happy to know some foreigners’ real thoughts about Chengdu. Actually, I’d like to attract more people to know my city and Chengdu young people’s attitude towards arts,  music, fashion, street culture… such as local artist , rappers etc. Finally, take the liberty of the request could you please give me some advice and English articles about Chengdu? Because I’m not a good writer, Shall you guys allow me to use this website’s articles and photos?
    It’s my Email address [email protected] and  Instagram MYPRAYERLEE.
    Thanks a lot.

    Avatar photoCharlie

    Finally, take the liberty of the request could you please give me some advice and English articles about Chengdu?


    I would just read Chengdu Living to find articles. There are a few hundred on the site. The Series is a good place to start.

    It’s going to be tough to write English articles for a foreign audience since you’re Chinese. Unless your English is outstanding, it will be very difficult for you. You might be better off finding a foreigner in New Zealand to cooperate with, where you can provide the information and he can write or translate for you.

    Because I’m not a good writer, Shall you guys allow me to use this website’s articles and photos?

    Thank you for asking. I would rather you not do that, since since you’re from Chengdu and probably have useful and interesting information that you can use to create your own content.

    Avatar photokiwi131

    hey Nil, Im from New Zealand and would love to help you. my number 13219093517, give me a call anytime

    Avatar photoNil

    Thanks a lot,I’m in New Zealand now. This is my email: [email protected] Could you please contact me

    Avatar photoshinichi

    You need a translation, or try to search English version of website

    Avatar photoNil

    I just need some english information about Chengdu. And what do foreigners think about Chengdu and Why do they like Chengdu? Thank you.

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