Last Sunday we watched Rush Hour in Yulin with a gigantic crowd and had a blast. This week we’re watching Breaking Away, the 1979 cycling film rated 94% on Rotten Tomatoes:
The movie will be presented in English with Chinese subtitles!
About Breaking Away
Recent midwestern high school graduate Dave is obsessed with bicycle racing. His dream is to compete in the Italian races someday and his immersion in all things Italian is driving his father crazy. Dave and his three best friends fight with the local college kids who look down on them for being “townies.” When the Italian bicycle team comes to their town to race, Dave is disillusioned by their snobbery and the dirty tricks they use to win. So Dave drops his Italian identity and he and his friends enter the university’s bike race and compete with their college student rivals.
Breaking Away was nominated for Best Picture in the 1979 Academy Awards, losing to Deer Hunter!
Here’s the movie trailer on Youtube:
About the Banana Boat
The Banana Boat is our completely mobile music and movie setup, built into a rickshaw. We cycle somewhere, stop, and within 5 minutes we’re watching movies or playing music.
A photo of the first outdoor movie night where we watched The Karate Kid:
The location is in the Yulin neighborhood, about a 2 minute walk away from the Laoma Tou Hotpot Restaurant. The name of the alley that we’ll be on is ???? and if you search for it on Baidu or Google Maps you should see where it’s located.
Or if you have a bicycle, ride to the location with us from the Natooke Bicycle Shop at 7:30pm.
Wow, never even heard of this but super intrigued. I’m reminded of ‘Prefontaine’.
I had never heard of this either but the bike shop guys recommend it highly, so we’ll see if more cyclists don’t come out this time. This will be the first time watching a new movie at outdoor movie night for me, looking forward to it. 94% on Rotten Tomatoes is really high, I have pretty great expectations for this!
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