I know I saw a thread about photography but whatever search I do I just find the (what sounds very nice photo walks and so on) threads, so if someone can find me the photo thread I will head off to there and we can kill this thread and keep the forum nice and tidy 🙂
I know I saw a thread about photography but whatever search I do I just find the (what sounds very nice photo walks and so on) threads, so if someone can find me the photo thread I will head off to there and we can kill this thread and keep the forum nice and tidy.
What’s up Daniel!
I think there might not be a general “Chengdu Photos” thread. There are a handful of “check out my photos” threads in addition to the Photo Walk threads, which there are a few of.
Have some photos to share, or are you looking for some?
Just fine here thanks, coffee being brewed and meatballs being rolled 🙂
I was just so sure I saw a photo thread but I guess I mixed it up with all the photo walk threads and so on, anyway I will just start a photo thread then and see where it goes.
I guess I will start one then 🙂
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